Bad Breath – Causes and Cures Provided by Emergency Dentist of Melbourne
Many people suffer from the problem of bad breath. It is actually a very common issue among people. Basically, it is not just about the odor, it is actually a disease, although most people don’t consider it as one. There could be so many reasons for a bad breath; it’s not only related to the poor cleanness or poor oral hygiene. There can be a hell lot of more reasons for mouth odor.
There are times when you face a person suffering from such a problem and it’s really hard for you to tell that person about the issue that you are facing. Just imagine, if you and your friend are talking, and your breath smells like a rotten egg, this situation gets embarrassing, when your friend doesn’t hesitate and say this directly to you.
Exploring Bad Breath Problem
Those people, who know that they have a bad breath, don’t go to dentists or doctors for the treatment because they find it really embarrassing, they feel hesitated, they feel scared, they feel ashamed. But do you want to feel like so forever in your life? Don’t you want to get over this problem of yours? Do you want your friends to make fun of you forever in your life because of your bad breath?
If your answer is yes, and you are opting for the temporary solutions like – chewing gums, mouth fresheners, mouth washes, etc. These people have made the manufacturers of such things billionaires. Even the toothpaste brands these days, don’t advertise that their toothpaste makes your tooth bright and white, but they advertise for fresh breath, I think this is not the aim or the primary job of toothpaste. Instead of going for these temporary solutions, go for the permanent one.
The permanent solution for these problems is to visit your dentist first. If the cause of your bad breath is an intra-oral cause, then your dentist can help you out with it. Even if the issue if of oral hygiene, your dentist can suggest you some medicated toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwashes and can also help you in with the way you should brush your teeth and should maintain oral hygiene. If required, your dentist can also clean your teeth or can do proper scaling, etc, to prevent the cause.
Some of the intra oral causes for bad breath can be –
1. Poor oral hygiene
2. Deposits on the teeth
3. Deep cavities in your teeth which act as a food trap
4. Coated tongues
5. Gum diseases
6. Dry mouth
7. Dentures
If you don’t have any intra oral issues, then you need to go to your doctor. As there can be many more such issues that can cause bad breath. Some other diseases can cause mouth odor, infections can also be the reason behind your bad breath. Visiting a doctor not only cures your bad breath but will also cure you of the disease or infection.
Some extra oral causes of mouth odor can be –
1. Throat infection
2. Cold
3. Tonsillitis
4. Lung diseases
5. Liver disease
6. Kidney disease
7. Diabetes
Find the cause and eliminate it. And maybe then - like those ads on TV - you could make a heart on the fresh breath that you blow into a glass window when you see the love of your life. Or if your situation got severe then you should contact expert Emergency Dentist Melbourne to make your teeth and mouth healthy.

Exploring Bad Breath Problem
Very nice blog post and remedies listed! Thanks for sharing..
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